Visit Cairns Tours & Packages

Scuba Day Trips

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Day Trips to the Great Barrier reef for snorkellers, introductory and certified scuba divers. Great Value for money!

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This all inclusive reef trip includes breakfast, lunch, Cairns transfers and a dive for all adults.

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With a river cruise included this tour offers a different way to experience the reef. Short, calm crossing to the island.

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The best sites with this Reef Cruise. Great for snorkellers to experienced divers. Silverswift allows you to do 3 dives at three locations.

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Ex Port Douglas. Cruises to the Agincourt Ribbon Reefs. Suitable for everyone from advanced Divers to Snorkellers. 3 dives at 3 locations.

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Dive, sail and snorkel tour to 2 reef locations.

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Cruises daily to Upolo Cay and Upolo Reef, offering 5 star service and a seafood lunch.

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Pontoon cruise suitable for the whole family - swimmers & non swimmers. Semi-sub, Glass Bottom Boat,, snorkling, helmet diving, heli flights, intro and cert diving.

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Sailing daily to Green Island on the Great Barrier Reef. Personalised small groups of up to 35 guests.

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Sailing Catamaran with a friendly relaxed atmosphere. Maximum of 20 passengers.

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This premium reef cruise combines the outer Great Barrier Reef with a coral cay island.

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With a short 30 minute boat transfer, this is a popular way to dive the Yongala

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Contact Details

07 4057 4312
+61 7 4057 4312

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Car Hire
  • Car hire from $39
  • Includes Insurance
  • Free child seats • Unlimited kms
  • New cars • great rates
  • Kuranda Skyrail & Train
  • Horse riding • Rafting
  • Fishing • Ballooning
  • Green island • Zoos
  • Sky diving • Bungy
  • Pub Crawls, Hens & Bucks
  • Rainforest dinner
  • Dinner cruise
  • Night Zoo
  • Aboriginal dinner show
  • Cairns City or Palm Cove
  • Kuranda Skyrail & Train
  • Green Island & Barrier Reef
  • Cape Tribulation & Daintree
  • The best of Cairns Australia!