Daintree Dreamtime
Prices from $330 AUD


All the wonders of this unique and exciting tropical region await you on our first class, renowned "Northern Delights" exclusive tour itinerary - showing you the best Daintree scenery & attractions! You'll visit Port Douglas and Mossman Gorge as well as a Daintree River Croc & Wildlife cruise.




  • Aboriginal Fishing Experience
  • First-class tropical restaurant lunch
  • World Heritage Rainforest
  • Mossman Gorge - guided walk
  • Ku Ku Yalanji Aboriginal Dreamtime Walk

Availability (days of the week)

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Prices Simply click the price below to add an item to your booking

From 1/04/2024 to 31/03/2025 adultchildinfantfamily
Daintree Dreamtime + fishing Daintree, Mossman Gorge, Lunch, Traditional fishing experience $330.00$294.00$0.00$1,240.00
Daintree Dreamtime + fishing & Dreamtime Walk Daintree, Mossman Gorge, Lunch, Traditional fishing experience & Ngadiku Dreamtime Walk $399.00$325.00$0.00$1,402.00
Children = 4 - 14 years, Infant = 0 - 3 years, Family = 2 adults and 2 children aged 4 - 14

Our Daintree tours travel north through sugarcane farmlands commencing with a scenic coastal drive along the Captain Cook Highway, one of the world's most beautiful coastal routes, aside the Coral Sea and flanked by rainforest covered mountains with glorious views of offshore islands. Enjoy a short informative tour of historic Port Douglas. 

Experience the beauty of the ancient rainforest on an easy guided walk of Mossman Gorge. Try something different and experience this rainforest area with the people who have been living in it for tens of thousands of years - the Ku Ku Yalanji. Not only will you see the rainforest through their eyes, you will feel it! Don't miss this opportunity to get a unique cultural interpretation of this magnificent part of the world heritage listed Daintree Rainforest. Madja Balgal... Our rainforest, our stories




Our Daintree Dreamtime tour return to Cairns at approx. 5.30pm via picturesque Palm Cove concluding a day of remarkable tropical experiences!


 Tour Itinerary

Mossman Gorge

Arrive at Mossman Gorge Cultural Centre where you will be welcomed to the land with a traditional Aboriginal smoking ceremony. Take some time to peruse the gallery and local crafts store at the centre before journeying into the rainforest of Mossman Gorge itself with your experienced Aboriginal guide for an interpretive walk through this ancient environment. Learn about the local Kuku Yalanji people’s special relationship with the land here.


Return to the Mossman Gorge Centre for a delicious lunch at the Mayi Café.

Traditional Aboriginal Fishing

Arrive at Cooya (Kuyu Kuyu) Beach for your Coast & Cultural Walk with a Kubirri Warra clan member. Cooya Beach is the traditional fishing grounds of the Kuku Yalanji people. Your guide will take you on a journey across Cooya Beach, demonstrating and teaching traditional fishing and gathering techniques which are still used today to source food for their family.

This tour may operate in reverse due to tide times at Cooya Beach.

Upgrade to the Ngadiku Dreamtime Walk.

The Ngadiku Dreamtime Walk is lead by an Aboriginal guide from the Mossman Gorge Cultural Centre who will guide you along a private rainforest track sharing Dreamtime stories, how the Kuku Yalanji people lived in this environment and more. Demonstrating traditional plant use, identifying bush food and traditions like making soaps and ochre paint.




Contact Details

07 4057 4312
+61 7 4057 4312

For unbiased, expert and friendly advice call us – our service is free!

Car Hire
  • Car hire from $39
  • Includes Insurance
  • Free child seats • Unlimited kms
  • New cars • great rates
  • Kuranda Skyrail & Train
  • Horse riding • Rafting
  • Fishing • Ballooning
  • Green island • Zoos
  • Sky diving • Bungy
  • Pub Crawls, Hens & Bucks
  • Rainforest dinner
  • Dinner cruise
  • Night Zoo
  • Aboriginal dinner show
  • Cairns City or Palm Cove
  • Kuranda Skyrail & Train
  • Green Island & Barrier Reef
  • Cape Tribulation & Daintree
  • The best of Cairns Australia!